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Assumption University was initially originated from Assumption Commercial College in 1969 as an autonomous higher education institution under the name of Assumption School of Business. In 1972, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, it was officially established as Assumption Business Administration College or ABAC. In May 1975, it was accredited by the Ministry of University Affairs. In 1990, it was granted new status as “Assumption University” by the Ministry of University Affairs.

The University is a non-profit institution administered by the Brothers of St. Gabriel, a worldwide Catholic religious order, founded in France in 1705 by St. Louis Marie De Montfort, devoted to education and philanthropic activities. The congregation has been operating many educational institutions in Thailand since 1901.

The University is an international community of scholars, enlivened by Christian inspiration, engaged in the pursuit of truth and knowledge, serving the human society, especially through the creative use of interdisciplinary approaches and cybertechnology.

Background of Assumption University

St.Louis Marie D’ Montfort

A Pilgrim at The Tomb of St. Louis Marie De Montfort

“You know that I am very indebted to this Saint and to his Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. Today because my pastoral visit has for the most part as its theme the sacrament of baptism, I would like to highlight the fact that, in the mind of St. Louis, the whole spiritual life flows directly from the sacrament of holy baptism as is shown by an important passage of the Act of Consecration to Jesus by the hands of Mary, written in his own precise wording”.

These are the words spoken by the Pope in the parish church of Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, during his visit on 19th September 1996 to the tombs of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort and Blessed Marie Louise Trichet. Several times before this, the Pope had recalled that his reading of the True Devotion had been a decisive turning-point in his life, and that Montfort’s spirituality had brought him to understand that genuine Marian devotion, far from distracting us from Christ, is on the contrary rooted in the mystery of Christ and can only lead towards him.

Three congregations trace their foundation to

Saint Louis Marie de Montfort namely:

  • The Daughters of Wisdom, live out the loving search of Wisdom for wounded humanity through a variety of ministries, especially among those whom the world rejects and those alienated from the Church;

  • The Company of Mary, popularly know today as the Montfort Missionaries, devoting themselves to priestly ministry and preaching

  • The Brothers of the Christian Instruction of St. Gabriel, popularly known today as Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, formerly known as the Community of the Holy Spirit, dedicating themselves to Christian education and working among the underprivileged.

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