Hospitality and Tourism Management
Professional Research & Studies In
Hospitality and Marketing Research
Sustainable Tourism Development
Crisis Management in Tourism
Niche Tourism
IT & E-commerce for Tourism

1.5 YEARS PART-TIME PROGRAM (STUDY ON SAT. - SUN) BLOCK TEACHING (Study one subject in a specific time)
Bachelor's degree or equivalent from an accredited institution in any fields
A minimum CGPA of 2.00 on 4.00 scale
Good command of English
English Proficiency Test and Interview Entrance Examination
First Trimester: May - August
Second Trimester: September-December
Third Trimester: January-April
Bachelor's degree or equivalent from anaccredited institution in any fields
A minimum CGPA of 2.00 on 4.00 scale
Good command of English
English Proficiency Test and Interview Entrance Examination
A completed application form
Official transcript of the previous university attended (1 copy)
Bachelor's degree certificate (1 copy)
Citizen identification card and house registration (1 copy) - for Thai applicants
Passport (1 copy) - for Non-Thai applicants
Three (1x1.5 inches) photographs (formal attire, not in graduation gown)
Note : All documents must be endorsed with signature and submitted in person within the last day application period, otherwise the application will not be considered
Admission Fee 1,000 THB.
The AU English Proficiency Test can be exempted depending on which of the following conditions you satisfy.
a TOEFL score of (iBT) 90 or (PBT) 575 or an IELTS (Academic) score of at least 6.5 (Validation: Two years)
a Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree from native English speaking countries (e.g. USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand)
Obtain the minimum prescribed 48 credits
Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.00
Pass Thesis Examination under the Thesis option or
Pass the written and oral comprehensive examinations under the Non-Thesis option
- Hua Mak Campus, Ramkhamhaeng 24 Rd.
- Weekends (Sat.& Sun.) 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Plan A: Thesis Option
Foundation Courses*
Required Courses 27 credits
Elective Course 6 credits
Thesis in concentration 15 credits
Total 48 credits
Foundation Course Upper Intermediate Academic Writing* *(For those who required English Proficiency Standard Course)
Plan B: Non-Thesis Option
Foundation Courses*
Required Courses 27 credits
Elective Courses 15 credits
Individual research project 6 credits
Comprehensive Examination Non credit
Total 48 credits
Plan A: Thesis Option
Trimester I
TR 6000 Managerial Accounting, Economics and Financial Decision Making for Tourism
TR 6001 Sustainable Tourism Development
TR 6103 Tourism Business Management and Ethics
TR 6104 Human Resource Management for Tourism Organization.
Trimester II
TR 6107 Marketing Management for Tourism
TR 6109 International Tourism and its Environment
TR 5801 Research Methods for Tourism (Weekday 6.30 P.M. - 9.30 P.M.)
TR 6111 Information Technology and E-Commerce for Tourism
One Elective Course
Trimester III
TR 6110 Tourism Policy and Public Planning
TR 6108 Strategic and Quality Management for Tourism and Hospitality
One Elective Course
Trimester IV ,V
TR 7006 Master’s Thesis (for Thesis Option only)
TR 7007 Master’s Thesis (for Thesis Option only)
Plan B: Non-Thesis Option
Trimester I
TR 6000 Managerial Accounting, Economics and Financial Decision Making for Tourism
TR 6001 Sustainable Tourism Development
TR 6103 Tourism Business Management and Ethics
TR 6104 Human Resources Management for Tourism Organization
Trimester II
TR 6107 Marketing Management for Tourism
TR 6109 International Tourism and its Environment 3 TR 5801 Research Methods for Tourism (Weekday 6.30 P.M. - 9.30 P.M.)
TR 6111 Information Technology and E-Commerce for Tourism
One Elective Course
Trimester III
TR 6110 Tourism Policy and Public Planning
TR 6108 Strategic and Quality Management for Tourism and Hospitality
Two Elective Course
Trimester IV
TR 6992 Independent Study (Weekday 6.30 P.M. - 9.30 P.M.)
Two Elective Courses
Trimester V
Written and Oral Comprehensive Examination
3. Elective Courses
TR 6102 Advanced Studies in Tourism Behavior 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Interrelated issues which motivate and influence tourists to visit a destination, with the emphasis on sociological and psychological factors, social groups, demographic variables, social class, and culture on the formation of tourist attitudes, consumption and purchasing behavior, and several approaches, qualitative and quantitative, to understand and examine the behavior of the tourists.
TR 6201 Thailand's Tourism Product 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Components of the tourism product of Thailand, Thailand's geographical/ environmental, historical, social/cultural dimensions of tourism, and products of the country. Case studies from Bangkok and Thailand, as well as other regions, can be used to illustrate both areas of opportunity and challenges to product development. Field trips are arranged to experience the actual products.
TR 6202 Field Work I: Ecological Sustainable DevelopmentStudies 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Applications of the principles of sustainable development in the tourism industry. Students are required to select at least two tourist destinations and make an analysis to compare and contrast the practices of sustainable tourism development. Besides, the review of related literature, first–hand information is required.
TR 6208 Selected Topic in Tourism Management 3 (3-0-6) Credits
This course includes special topics in various aspects of tourism and hospitality, offered on a one-time or experimental basis. Topics selected by the instructor with an overview of cultural heritage management and worldwide perspective service issues which include ethics, professional responsibility, management of indigenous, historical sites, and physical protection methods.
TR 6212 Niche Tourism: Contemporary Issues,Trends and Cases 3 (3-0-6) Credits
The growth areas of the tourism industry. Topics include diverse travelers, tradition tourism, Wellness & Medical Tourism, Community-Based Tourism, activities-based tourism, future of niche tourism, international case studies to emphasize the links to practice, aspects of special tourism interest, tradition and culture-based tourism, experiential tourism, activity-based tourism and the future of niche tourism and potential and practice of niche tourism in Thai tourism context.
TR 6214 Field Work II: Business and Leisure EventManagement 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Hallmark events and conferences to be conducted and managed by students to demonstrate their understanding of conference [MICE] management. It focuses on the meeting, exhibition, event, and convention industry. Examination of event management, focusing on sports and entertainment. Covers promotion, budgeting, marketing, crowd control, production, legal issues, customer service, ticketing, and concessions. Addresses the major trends and successful practices in event management.
TR 6215 Tourism Economics Studies 3 (3-0-6) credits
Economic theory and application of economic analysis, analytical tools necessary for choosing among alternatives in solving tourism and hospitality business problems with economic decision-making in the light of recent trends, and tourism and hospitality business cases.
TR 6216 Tourism Legal Studies 3 (3-0-6) credits
Legal theory and application of legal analysis, analytical tools necessary for choosing among alternatives in solving tourism and hospitality legal business problems with legal decision-making in the light of recent trends, and tourism and hospitality business cases which have occurred as the result of numerous free trade agreements and the freeing of trade barriers in ASEAN beyond 2015.
TR 6217 Tourism Journalism and Travel Writing 3 (3-0-6) credits
Tourism Journalism: journalistic skills in both printed and electronic media, how to write a news story, conduct an interview and write a feature suitable for publication in a newspaper or trade press article in publications such as Sawasdee In-flight magazine. Journalism writers such as Don Ross, Harold Stephens, and ImtiazMuqbil and others will be studied. Travel Writing: conventional print and e-book writing. Read the travel literature in terms of history, geography, culture, exploration, food and produce a well-researched book chapter on a chosen topic by the end of the course. Popular travel writers such as Paul Theroux and Michael Pailin will be discussed and analyzed in class.
TR 6218 Yield Management inTourism Industry 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Profit maximization on scarce resources in the hospitality and tourism industry, techniques which range from foreign exchange risk analysis and exposure management, financial statement analysis to capital budgeting and optimizing the enterprise's capital structure.
TR 6219 Crisis Management in Tourism 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Crisis management, risk communications, media relations in the context of tourism, what a crisis is, types of crises, crisis models, anatomy of a crisis, Crisis Management Team (CMT), crisis response, and crisis recovery, real-life case illustrations, practical exercises and simulations to give students an interactive experience and a realistic understanding of the limitations and opportunities that arise in high-pressure crisis management situations with the emphasis on various types of crises hospitality and tourism managers face today, causes, consequences, and stages of tourism crises, use of Crisis Management Teams (CMTs) (i.e., how and why they are effective in helping organizations cope). Students will work as a team to develop a tourism-specific crisis management plan for analysis and discussion, and will also have the opportunity to hone their communications skills by participating in practice media interviews during in-class sessions.
TR 6220 Comparative ASEAN Tourism Policy Studies 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Comparative study of various approaches to develop governmental tourism policies which includes economic, social and environmental impacts of national and international policies. Tourism policy case studies of ASEAN countries’ experience with tourism to current tourism issues at the national and international level. Emphasis is placed on ASEAN Economic Cooperation (AEC-2015). The course also includes field study, for example, visits to national and international tourism policy-making organizations which allow students to familiarize themselves with current policies in the hospitality and tourism industry.
TR 6221International Hospitality and Service Management 3 (3-0-6) Credits
The issues in international hospitality and hotel management. Topics include management strategies appropriate for hospitality and hotel management, food and beverage operations, conventions, expositions, recreation, entertainment, quality services, and international quality standards. Overview of the contemporary issues in the international business environment such as global strategy formulation, and implementation; technology challenges; diversity in customers and employees; political and legal concerns; a service-minded workforce, measuring and evaluating service quality, and drivers of service customer loyalty.
TR 6222 Integrated Tourism Products Development 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Principles and techniques in creating new hospitality and tourism products from tangible products to transformative experiences. Topics include new destinations, new attractions, new types of accommodations, sightseeing and cruising companies, new forms of entertainment for transformative tourism experiences, designing scenarios and ensuring indispensable conditions for visitors’ well-being to ensure that new products exceed customers’ expectations and foster unique, memorable, or transformative experiences. The creation of new tourism products built around the design, evaluation, development, and introduction of innovative tourism products in the new normal scenario.
TR 6223 Hotel and Restaurant Operations 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Recognize the key operational features of the main sub-sectors interval, tourism, and hospitality across a range of sub-sectors including hotels, restaurants, retail outlets, airlines, travel agents, tour operators, and entertainment. Study of hotel and restaurant management operations problems, human resource scheduling and payroll control, Specialized accounting and finance systems as related to the hospitality industries. Applications of budgeting and pricing models, performance evaluations and incentives systems, and short-term asset management are discussed.
TR 6224 Entrepreneurial for Hospitality and Tourism Operations 3 (3-0-6) Credits
A practical and strategic understanding will be idea generation and business plan to develop problem-solving, decision-making, and planning skills through case analyses and applied exercises. Discover the key issues of innovative entrepreneurship, identifying and evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities, grow and compete in dynamic environments and how to initiate a new hospitality or tourism venture. Design and implement a plan for the HTM service companies through the use of cases, industry projects, and applied assignments.
TR 6225 Asian Food, Culture, and Hospitality 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Influence of Asian cultures and values on Asian hospitality. The influences of social, economic, and religious factors on Asian foods as herbs and medicinal uses and food preferences as they relate to eating habits and catering (street food hawkers; cultural uniforms; traditional greetings and welcome drinks; special details, etc.). Etiquette and cultural aspects of dining preferences for pleasurable eating, WOW factor, and guest experience and its relations to the restaurant and tourism industry.
4. Independent Study
TR 6992 Independent Study 6 (0-0-18) Credits
Prerequisite: TR 5801 Research Methods for Tourism
Undertake a research study of interest in a practical approach. Hospitality and tourism-related project must be envisioned, providing clear rationales and project plans. The study has to be validated and reliable in terms of literary analysis, research methodology, research findings, and recommendation. First-hand information is required besides an extensive review of the literature. An evaluation of the project implementation must be clearly articulated in a report form.
5. Thesis
Prerequisite: Complete a minimum of 33 credits and approval of thesis topic from the program director
TR 7006 Master's Thesis 6 (0-0-18) Credits
Each student will research an approved topic in the relevant area of hospitality and tourism. The expert faculty member will be assigned as supervisor. Regular conferencing will be required. This is the phase designed to focus on preparing the Research Study Proposal for approval. The focus is on finding relevant literature from diverse sources and engaging in critical analysis of it. This is the phase in which the students formulate the thesis under the close guidance of an advisor up to performing the fieldwork. Issues such as establishing a conceptual framework and identifying one or more survey methods are detailed.
TR 7007 Master's Thesis 9 (0-0-27) Credits
This is the phase in which students present and defend their research proposal before a Committee. Any changes required by the committee are made at this point before fieldwork is undertaken.
This is the final phase of the thesis involving performing a pilot study, modifying the questionnaire or interview protocols, performing the fieldwork and writing up the results, conclusion, and recommendations. The completed thesis is defended before a committee including an external expert. The thesis will only be approved after any changes required by the committee are completed to the satisfaction of all committee members. Students are also required to submit their research paper for publication in an approved peer-reviewed academic journal or present it at a conference that has the proceedings as part of the requirements for graduation.
1. Foundation Courses
TR 5701 Foundation in Tourism Business Non-Credit
Foundation of management including the following functions: planning, organizing, and staffing, leading, controlling, and coordinating, concise overview of the basic marketing concepts of product, price, promotion, distribution, process, people and physical evidence and basic finance concepts which include financial management, institutions, and investment.
TR 5800 Professional English for Tourism Business Non-Credit
Professional and efficient English communication skills essential for both studies and career in the tourism industry, how to speak, write, read and listen with the applications of tourism business, and essential vocabulary for hospitality/travel/tourism.
TR 5801 Research Methods for Tourism Non-Credit
Skills in undertaking academic research writing, computer literacy, basic research process including research methods, research instruments selection, sample identification to data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting current research issues and methodologies used in the hospitality and tourism industry.
TR 5901 Principles of Tourism and Hospitality Non-Credit
Several approaches in explaining the relevant components and the phenomenon of the tourism industry, historical and contemporary developments of tourism, contemporary research on quality service and tourist/guest expectation including site visits of famous tourist attractions in the country, problematic resort areas, or interesting international hotel/travel/tourism organizations to familiarize students with the current practices of the industry.
2. Required Courses
TR 6000 Managerial Accounting Economics and Financial 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Decision Making for Tourism.
Managerial concepts of hospitality and tourism industry, demand and supply from the tourism economics point of view, issues of externalities, multiplier effects and forecasting issues of portfolio management, foreign direct investment (FDI), and some basic principles of tourism financial point of view.
TR 6001 Sustainable Tourism Development 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Practices of tourism in the developing countries include tourism development as well as its impact on the host country in terms of ecological/environmental, social, cultural, and economic perspective, different approaches for understanding tourism development, and its sustainability. Appropriate case studies are selected to relate students to the current issues of sustainable tourism development in developing countries.
TR 6103 Tourism Business Management and Ethics 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Management theories for hospitality and tourism. Topics include corporate social responsibility, global reporting, ethical consumption, organization structures, tourism-related businesses, social psychology, human resources, ethics, and selected tourism cases including moral perspectives related but not limited to honesty, integrity, fair decision-making, leadership quality, and a commitment to management excellence.
TR 6104 Human Resources Management for TourismOrganization 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Techniques and methodologies to plan, organize and control the human resources in the hospitality and tourism organization, practices of recruiting, training, compensation provision, promoting, health and safety provision, and employee relations from a both domestic and international perspective, appropriate approaches to manage and maintain expatriate staff, with the emphasis on the comparison of the practices of the domestic and international human resources management.
TR 6107 Marketing Management for Tourism 3 (3-0-6) Credits
The principles and practices of marketing in the tourism industry. Topics include research for tourism products, marketing tourism products, classical marketing principles, information technology, and selected tourism cases. The course will focus on the importance of emerging marketing techniques and trends in consumer preferences. Analysis of hospitality/tourism industry social media marketing and management strategies
TR 6108 Strategic and Quality Management for Tourism andHospitality 3 (3-0-6) Credits
The strategies of tourism and tourism-related organizations. Analytical tools to perform analyses of the environment, industry, competitors, and organizational resources. Strategic decision-making planning processes for hospitality/ tourism operations. Application of skills, knowledge, and understanding of areas of concern for formulating and implementing operational strategies. Utilize case study analysis and computer applications to apply principles. Topics include formulating strategies, principles of quality management, international quality standards, competitiveness, cost efficiency, and maintaining tourism business resources.
TR 6109 International Tourism and Its Environment 3 (3-0-6) Credits
International issues governing the hospitality and tourism industry include the preliminary studies of international policy, law, and regulations that support or constrain the tourism business, roles, and functions of the international tourism organizations, issues related to transportation management, for example, the airline's industry, and the principles and practices of related laws and regulations of tourism in Thailand. Megatrends in hospitality and tourism, emerging new business models, and unexpected developments disrupting “tourism business as usual”.
TR 6110 Tourism Policy and Public Planning 3 (3-0-6) Credits
The roles of the national tourism organizations, Destination Management Company or Tour Operations, and the Tourism Authority of Thailand. Topics include policy and plan formulation, implementation and monitoring of plans, public and private planning, local, regional, and national planning levels, sustainable tourism development, and international tourism cases. Case studies drawn from different countries on their tourism planning approaches are also employed to the current issues at a national and an international level.
TR 6112 Information Technology and Business Analytics for 3 (3-0-6) Credits
Hospitality and Tourism
Management and marketing applications of information technology and e-commerce for tourism organizations.Widely used information systems in operation, management, and e-business. Emerging analytics tools for business intelligence and strategic decision making. Analysis and design of hospitality/tourism industry information systems. Fundamentals of data acquisition, data transformation, data visualization, data mining and data management, system implementation, and current trends in hospitality/tourism technology are discussed. E- Payment gateway, IT risk, cybersecurity management, data privacy, and technologies for assessing network security and future directions. Emphasis includes big data, demand analytics, experience analytics, web and social media analytics, benchmarking analysis and impact analysis.
1st Installment
2nd Installment
3rd Installment
4th Installment
Thai Students
Non – Thai Students
Non – Thai Students
The fee includes:
First enrollment fee (matriculation fee, etc)
Tuition fee, University fee, Campus Network fee
Comprehensive, Thesis fees (first attempt only)
Health / Life insurance (non-Thai students)
Educational Field Trip
AU Academic Writing Course
The fee doesn’t cover the followings:
Admission fee (non-refundable)
Maintaining Student Status (4,900 THB per Trimester)
In case of failed grade in any course or comprehensive examination, the student should repeat the course or exam with the registration and university fees at the latest rate separately.
The fees are subject to change at the university’s discretion without prior notice.
Currency exchange rate: THB/US$ = 30
1st Installment
2nd Installment
3rd Installment
4th Installment